a. Programming on CR should be community – driven and on a
continuous basis.
b. The community should be both generator and recipient of CR content/programming
c. Community radio content/programmes should reflect the interests of the various groups in the community
d. There should be content sharing or programme exchange among community radio stations
e. Content of community radio should focus on development themes which include:
i. Agriculture: food security, agric technologies, market prices, pest control, farming techniques, post-harvest operations, agro-meteorology, etc.
ii. Education: literacy, continuing education, vocational training, career guidance, legal education, child psychology, parenting, home management, adolescent development, etc
iii. Health: nutrition, child and maternal health, family planning, HIV/AIDs and STDs, Hygiene, immunization, drug & alcohol abuse, traditional medicine, harmful practices, etc
iv. Economic Development: enterprise creation, employment, cooperatives, credit, etc
v. Environment: pollution, water management, deforestation, conservation, drought, desertification, waste management, sanitation, etc
vi. Conflict prevention/Resolution and Peace building: displaced populations, ethnicity, etc
vii. Ethics and Values: work ethics, public accountability, community good, discipline, etc
viii. Gender: girl-child education, gender roles,
responsibilities and stereotypes, sexuality, marriage,
equity, etc
ix. Human rights: governance and democracy, land rights, disabilities, children’s rights, domestic violence, religion, the elderly, minority groups, beggars, etc
x. Social /civic education: Recreation, fashion & beauty care, family life, community involvement
xi. Culture and Tradition: cultural identity, folklore, traditional laws and institutions etc
f. Content of community radio could take the following formats, among others:
i- News
ii- Drama
iii. Talk shows
iv. Interviews
v. Debates/Discussion
vi. Documentary
vii. Magazines
viii. Features
ix. Music
x. Jingles
xi. Announcements
xii. Editorials
xiii. Advertisements
g. The bulk of programmes on Community Radio should focus on local issues, events and talents. Programmes on national and international issues/events should always take local or community angles. |