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Media Policy Briefing: Vol 3

The Secretariat/Coordinator
Nigeria Community Radio Coalition (NCRC)
c/o Institute for Media and Society
3, Emina Crescent,
Off Toyin Street,
P.O.Box 16181
Ikeja, Lagos,Nigeria.
Phone: +234 1- 8102261;
+234 803 307 9828;




6.1 The existence of traditional structures and means of mass communication side by side with modern communication structures require the interface at the two for effective communication. Although the objective of policy is not to idealize the traditional thought forms and mode of communication it is also neither to render them completely irrelevant in the modern social organization and communication order. The combined use of the traditional and modern means of mass communication and the use of indigenous forms and modes to communicate new realities and new possibilities especially to the rural more tradition- oriented masses of the population shall be encouraged.

6.2 Guidelines

(i)The town-crier and similar system in the village structure where they are traditionally located shall be equipped with modern instruments of communication for greater reach and better effect

(ii)Appropriate research shall be conducted into existing rural communication systems and structures

(a) For adapting traditional mode of message structuring and delivery style in the broadcast media

(b)For their extensive use and co-option in rural public enlightenment structures so disseminate official information and announcement at Federal, State and local government levels;

(iii)Encouragement of direct public and private investment in community based print media in the rural areas

(iv)The Federal and State Government shall allocate a reasonable proportion of their rural development funds to the establishment of community-based media of mass communication;

(v)The language, idiom, and style of programmes and content presentation of programmes the community newspapers, magazines, and broadcast media shall as much as possible reflect local culture and nuances;

(vi) The community media to ensure the promotion of a National Conscience shall be encourage to emphasized the desirer able value of our indigenous cultures in their respective localities;

(vii)Indigenous folklore writers and story tellers, clubs based in local Government Areas shall be encouraged to use as much as possible the community based media as outlets for their creativity;

(viii)Direct structural linkages shall be established between the traditional media structures and community based modern media structure including Rural Information Officer, Corps and the Community Viewing and Listening Centres .

Implementation Strategy

6.3 The National Communication Policy shall aim at transforming village halls and palaces and other traditional fora of daily interaction of the traditional opinion leadership in the rural communities into modern broadcast listening and viewing centers

To this end the communication policy shall encourage

(i) The establishment in villages and towns of such community viewing and listening centers

(ii) The establishment by state governments at the local government level of a Rural Information Officer Corps which is linked structurally to the operation of the listening and viewing centers for effective coverage and monitoring of the centers

(iii) The establishment at the local government level of indigenous folklore writers and story tellers club linked structurally to state and Federal radio and television programme development and presentation

6.4 The National Council for Arts and Culture in collaboration with state Arts Council shall organize indigenous artist, writers, story tellers, music composers into association with country wide linkages at state and national levels

6.5 The Federal Ministry of Information and d Culture shall commission on continuous basis, through mass communication training institutes and departments research on traditional media use and resources inventory of traditional media structure and modern media soft and hardware resources and effective strategies for their integration in the development processes.

6.6 Federal and state radio and television stations shall allocate at least 20 per cent of their coverage of events to rural activities while community-based media shall b e required in their immediate localities

6.7 These policy objectives shall be implemented in cooperation and consultation with the Directorate of Food, Roads and Rural Infrastructure



7.1 Culture as the sum total of people’s way of life is a central issue of philosophy around which a national communication policy ought to be built. Its material components consists of the artifacts and the technologies of production that are the product of a people’s intellectual and creative processes while its non material components consists of the values, norms, ideals, knowledge, aspirations, mode of social organization and the peculiar mode of employment of the material composition of culture.

7.2 Since these components constitute the nexus around which interaction and social organization of the people are patterned and their collective character and identity defined and distinguished the success of a national communication policy would thus depend on the level of application and utilization of these cultural components cultural institutions modes and structures.


7.3 The objectives of a communication policy vis-a vis the application of these cultural manifestations, structures, institutions and media are:

(i) To establish operative conditions which make our artist, scientist, philosophers, technologist, journalist, and mass media programme producers see Nigeria as their main theatre of creative expressions and relevance ;

(ii) To serve as a source of education, leisure and entertainment

(iii) To serve as a means of advancing the peculiarities of our nationhood while contributing to human thoughts and civilization

(iv) To serve as a means of energizing the nation in its quest for social, political and cultural transformation

(v) To reinforce the positive aspects of our cultural heritage and discourage all negative values;

(vi) To serve as a means of developing, exploiting and adapting the cultural manifestations and derive technologies to the need of changing times and for promoting and protecting the economics and social well –being of the people;

(vii) To serve as a means of developing them as platforms and instruments of national integration, international image-building, the enhancement of Nigeria’s role in Africa and its commitment to the liberation movement and the dignity and status of the black man;


(viii) To develop them as instruments for the propagation of a national ethos and the development of national conscience.

Implementation Strategy

7.4 The Federal, State and Local governments shall through exhibitions in the literary, visual and performing arts within and without Nigeria, project Nigeria’s cultural id entity and preserve, promote and develop Nigeria oral and written literature, music, dance theatre, fine and applied art, traditional design and technologies as media of mass communication and as source of education, leisure and entertainment.

7.5 The Federal, State and Local government shall:

(a) Establish and promote cultural centers (galleries, museums, craft centers and shops, arts and design centers, theatres) as repositories for preserving, marketing and displaying our contemporary and antique objects for the enhancement of our cultural image and promotion of the status and material well- being of the people.

(b) Establish a National Gallery of Arts, National Halls of Fame and National Monuments as vehicles for preserving our technological achievement and creative genius and mobilizing Nigerians towards national consciousness and self-reliance.

(c) Establish a National theatre incorporating a National Troupe as an agent of our culture through nation wide and international performances.

7.6 The Federal State and Local Governments shall:

(a) Promote local production of raw materials, to enhance self- sufficiency and self – reliance of Nigeria artists, designers and craftsmen;

(b) Promote indigenous theatre and traditional media of mass communication (age grade, family unions, market associations etc) as a vehicle for the implementation of the tenets of National Orientation Movements; and

(c) Through the National and States Councils of Arts and Culture, the Federal Department of Culture and similar concerns, assist in the funding of arts and culture.

7.7 The national Council for Arts and Culture in co-operation with other institutions and departments shall:

(a) Establish activities for stimulating the competitive spirit in artists and the discovery of new talents; and

(b) Support artistic and literary institutions and associations for the purpose of establishing clubs and workshops in the different disciplines and providing grants, bursaries and infrastructure facilities.

7.8 The National Festival of Arts and Culture and festivals at State and Local Government levels shall serve as fora for cultural re-affirmation for reinforcing in a physical sense the nation’s quest for national solidarity, developing national and international cultural intercourse for asserting our cultural identity and promoting tourism, culture export and the discovery of talents.

7.9 Traditional festivals shall be preserved, developed and promoted as repositories of oral history, handed down values and, moral lessons and rallying points for traditional institutions and religious and as tourist attractions.

7.10 The importance of libraries in the presentation and dissemination of knowledge, the primacy of books in the dissemination process and their relevance for promoting the educational, scientific, cultural, economic, political and social goals for national development shall be emphasized.

The harmonization and standardization of policies for developing libraries in educational institutions, ministries, and communities at Federal, State and Local Government levels shall be pursued.

7.11 The Federal, State and Local Governments, to this end, shall promote the book industry and local authorship and stimulate the development of libraries and archives to enhance wide-scale readership

7.12Annual allocation shall be made to Federal, State and University libraries for the purpose of information access, retrieval and enlargement, within and without the country.

7.13 A standing committee comprising representatives of the publishing industry and related interest shall be established for the monitoring regularly the problems of publishing and suggesting solutions to them.

7.14 Government shall encourage and promote local raw material production at affordable cost to reduce production cost and make food available at reasonable prices.

7.15 Government shall establish legislation for local manufacture clause in respect of all textbooks having an import potential of over five thousand copies.

7.16 All information dissemination sources shall use the local language of the audience of the receiving group to promote understanding and enhance national mobilization.

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